Throughout your financial journey, you are sure to come across road blocks along the way. How you deal with these disputes can set your course for the future, whether good or bad. Antony Syndicate are the team to turn to for superior forensic accountant services in Sydney. Our forensic accountants are the best in the industry, providing logical and objective advice on all areas of tax auditing, fraud, acquisition, divorce and much more. We work with a wide range of clients, including individuals, businesses, lawyers and government departments.
What is a Forensic Accountant?
The term Forensic simply means that our accountants work to a standard that is suitable for use in Court, providing evidence and expert advice when required. A combination of superior accounting, auditing and investigative skills enable us to determine the true financial scenario of your case. We often provide expert evidence in trials, therefore our accountants have an intimate understanding of courtroom proceedings too.
The team at Antony Syndicate has extensive experience in corporate, government and international accounting and consulting, including;